She Got Game - Frauen im Gaming und in der Spielebranche
Yasemin Günay -
Koboldgames geht dieses Jahr in die zweite Runde von «She Got Game», wo Yasemin Günay Frauen aus aller Welt bei der Entwicklung eines Spiels begleitet.
Your expert for serious game design and gamification.
Sign up now for a free concept workshop!
Thanks to the support of Koboldgames, we were able to realize an innovative research project and specialize in the context of Serious Games for research, education and training purposes.
- David Schmocker, Universität Zürich
Koboldgames works super customer-oriented, reliable and flexible. The finished products convince by their high quality appearance. At Koboldgames there is ALWAYS a solution.
- Anna Lisa Martin-Niedecken, Sphery
I appreciate the personal contact and the very competent nature of Koboldgames GmbH.
- Nicola Hildebrand, Sonova
We worked with Koboldgames on a project for the Alimentarium. Koboldgames brought independent thinking and ideas to the table as well as great commitment. I found the cooperation very good.
- Dominik Petko, PHSZ
Serious Games and Gamification have already been successfully used in sports, behaviour change, research, on-the-job training, advanced education and more.
Using this engagement, our games can help in therapy, increase awareness, or boost performance for fitness, learning or problem solving. As motivation wizards, we offer sustainable, innovative experiences for your business or research.
Video games are a new and innovative media. Through their interactive nature they allow us to design a user's motivation.
Games increase the user's awareness and engagement with a task through playful motivation.
Games provide a stunning experience and present a memorable product tailored to your brand.
Games allow us to experience immediate risks in a safe environment, therefore acting as an effective tool for awareness training.
Games and gamification improve the entire user experience of your product with immersion and engagement.
Based on the workshop, we can create a solution tailored to your problem statements.
Since we work iteratively, you will be with us on every step of the game's development.
You provide us with your know-how of your product and we provide you with our years of experience in game design.
Yasemin Günay -
Koboldgames geht dieses Jahr in die zweite Runde von «She Got Game», wo Yasemin Günay Frauen aus aller Welt bei der Entwicklung eines Spiels begleitet.
Koboldgames is an experienced game developer based in Brugg, Switzerland, independently developing games since 2012. Focused on games with purpose, motivation design and gamification, our speciality is to bring fun into many different parts of life.
Workflow Warlock and Creature Creator
Project planning, graphic and game design. Does Zoom meetings only in pyjama pants.
Guardian of Clients and Problem Solver
Client executive and game design. Sees the source code of the world.
Code Masoness and Queen of Questions
Programming and package management. Never has a bad hair day.
Image Creator and Sound Shaper
Sound, graphic and game design. Would give up world domination for vanilla ice cream.
Code Constructor and Technomagician
Programming and research. Communicates with machines in their native tongue.
Treasure Manager and Master of Numbers
Accounting and social media. Propagates plants faster than they die.
+41 79 665 16 71 (Only Mon., Tue., Thu., & Fri)
Koboldgames GmbH
Badenerstrasse 13
5200 Brugg AG